London Handel Festival 2024

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Handel was an inspiring figure in many ways - a London resident that was quite bold and adventurous with his cross-genre manipulation of music. I think that there is a salient point around progression of culture and creativity that handels style can clearly tell us. Mixing is creativity. and by mixing mediums, genres in some polymathic experiment - often this is where breakthroughs happen. Human appreciation follows a certain cadence, there are patterns to it that can be mimicked across different planes. A pattern from a great horror movie scene can inspire a new pattern in chorus and vice versa. Such is the birth of great art, often attributable to some sort of mixture, some synesthesia, some inspiration.

For this festival we wanted to create a visual that captured this story of cross-pollination, and explosive expressiveness. Visualising an inspired body of work. There’s pointillism in the portrait (which is a visual method that also is used in 20th century music under the same name), Monet in the palette, and an explosive floral style that aligns the visual with the notion of spring. We loved getting philosophical and deeply referential for this piece of work, and why? Because the festival deserves it.

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